Once you have decided you needed new professional headshots – reasons why you need professional headshots -, the next step is to choose what would be the best background for them. It should be in line with the message you want to convey while keeping the focus on you. Here are the 3 main locations […]

collage of all kinds of headshots by Laure Photographer Atlanta branding photographer


Choose the right background for your professional headshots

The Sunday before the International Women’s Day, I had the chance to photograph women headshots mini sessions in Atlanta for 2 hours. The event was hosted by The Point Atlanta and organized by Urban Enterprises. We were so lucky to have a perfect weather! I met incredible women during those headshots I met amazing women […]

Collage women headshots in shape of heart for International Women's Day in Atlanta by Laure Photography


Women Headshots Mini Session | International Women’s Day | Atlanta Photographer

You have probably already heard multiple times people talking about « Photo Mini Session » – specially after the summer break when everyone starts thinking about their greeting cards! But what is a Photo Mini Session?! What is a Photo Mini Session? To go straight to the point, a photo mini session is a small version […]

what is a family photo mini session by Atlanta family photographer Laure Photography

Families, Tips

What is a Photo Mini Session? | Atlanta Photographer