I have now been living in Atlanta GA for five years and thanks to Clara’s college graduation photo session I discovered Georgia Tech campus! It was about time! It is beautiful. Coming from Europe I might be more easily impress by a college campus that a lot of Americans 🙂 Clara’s Georgia Tech college graduation […]

Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography


Georgia Tech Graduation Photo Session | Atlanta Photographer

Baby Siena turned ONE year old a few weeks ago and my 11 year old son who saw me editing the photo session thinks she is the cutest baby 🙂 Wedding – Newborn – Minis – ONE! I first met Aviva and Josh on their wedding day in Atlanta. Yes, on their wedding day! They […]

Baby girl One year old milestone in Dunwoody park with Atlanta family photographer Laure Photography

Families, Maternity & Baby

ONE year old portraits session! | Atlanta Family Photographer

Once your family photo session is booked, the first discussion we will have is about the time of the day that will be best to organize your family portraits. Of course a lot of other questions come into mind but this is always the first one. You can check a few of my blogs for […]

Best time of the day to organize family photoshoot toddlers running towards the camera an Sandy Spring Park | by Atlanta family photographer Laure Photography

Families, Tips

BEST TIME OF DAY to organize Family Portraits | Atlanta Photographer