Coming photo events:

I know we all want to create it but making a family photo album and even sometimes just printing pictures (which ones?!) is overwhelming… It has been on your resolutions list for a long time. This year, your pictures are going from your devices into albums and prints on your walls! I started making yearly […]

siblings reading a family photo album lifestyle photo by Laure photography

Families, Tips

Create your family photo album

Yes, I am already blogging about my upcoming Atlanta Fall Mini-Sessions!  Even if it still feels like summer in Atlanta, fall is around the corner. Kids are back to school, schedules are again full of school meetings, sport practices, games, tournaments, events… It is time to book a date to enjoy a joyful moment with […]

outside Fall family mini session Atlanta GA by photographer Laure photography


Fall Mini-Sessions | Atlanta Family Photographer

I have now been living in Atlanta GA for five years and thanks to Clara’s college graduation photo session I discovered Georgia Tech campus! It was about time! It is beautiful. Coming from Europe I might be more easily impress by a college campus that a lot of Americans 🙂 Clara’s Georgia Tech college graduation […]

Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography


Georgia Tech Graduation Photo Session | Atlanta Photographer