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Georgia Tech Graduation Photo Session | Atlanta Photographer

I have now been living in Atlanta GA for five years and thanks to Clara’s college graduation photo session I discovered Georgia Tech campus! It was about time! It is beautiful. Coming from Europe I might be more easily impress by a college campus that a lot of Americans 🙂

Clara’s Georgia Tech college graduation photo session

Clara’s mom, Emmanuelle, found me on Google. The funny part is that we are both French but she lives in Chicago! They were landing in Atlanta the afternoon before the graduation ceremony so our window for pictures was short. In addition, the weather forecast wasn’t great but it ended up being perfect as you can see on the pictures. We ended up being almost alone on the campus which allowed me to deliver a gallery with more variety than expected!

As I always bring a flash with me (we are never too prepared!), we even took a few pictures inside Clara’s favorite building.

Keeping meaningful memories of this huge milestone of your life

College time and experience is a huge transition and milestone in your life in so many ways. You discover community life, workload, deadlines, you make new friends, create memories that will last forever… The list is endless.

A photo session is an amazing way to celebrate your achievements and to keep great memories of this unique time of your life.

Clara was my first ever college graduation photo session and I loved it! I have taken pictures of a lot of graduations, from kindergarten to 12th grade, including ceremonies, but never college. Thank you Emmanuelle and Clara for giving me this opportunity.

Congratulations again Clara, I wish you all the best back in Chicago.

Advices to prepare your next photo session

If have a lot of free available advices on my blog to help you prepare your next photo session. Here are a few links:

What to bring to your family photo session?

10 tips for a successful family photo session

Best time of the day to organize family portraits

About Laure, owner of Laure photography

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Laure Pascal-Glorieux is a lifestyle photographer specialized in family photography and personal branding photography. Laure lives in Atlanta GA.

graduate woman with cap and grown standing at the bottom of Georgia Tech Campus tower stairs Atlanta by Laure Photography
graduate woman in grown wearing a white dress and holding her cap sitting on steps on Georgia Tech Campus Atlanta by Atlanta photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate woman in cap & gown standing with her family by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown walking on campus by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown on campus by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown sitting on campus stairs by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in gown throwing her cap in the air in front of campus tower by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate with he family in front of campus historic tower by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown in campus by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown inside campus building by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in front of historic campus towner by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown with parents on campus by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate woman sitting on campus in cap & gown by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown sitting by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography
Georgia Tech college graduation graduate in cap & gown on campus by Atlanta Photographer Laure Photography

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  1. Beomseok Kang says:

    Hi! I’m a phd student at gt and looking for a photographer for my graduation. Could you provide your availability in early december?

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I'm Laure Pascal-Glorieux, a French photographer, now living in Atlanta GA, who believes in the amazing power of pictures.