I first met Natalie during a multi-generations family session, she was only a few days old! And now she is already a 3 month old baby and ready for her first milestone photo session at her home in Atlanta! Allison contacted me when I was doing her sister’s baby « grow with me » first year sessions. […]

3 month old baby girl laying on crib by Laure Photography

Families, Maternity & Baby

Natalie is 3 month old! | Milestone photo session | Atlanta Photographer

Even if we try to be ready and prepared for every possibilities, there will always be an unexpected situation! One if the most recurrent questions I have is what to bring to your family photo session. What should we wear question, will have its a separate blog!  I have created here under a list of […]

lifestyle pictures parents with toddler girl mum hold daughter and laugh

Families, Maternity & Baby, Tips

What to bring to your family photo session