Coming photo events:

I know we all want to create it but making a family photo album and even sometimes just printing pictures (which ones?!) is overwhelming… It has been on your resolutions list for a long time. This year, your pictures are going from your devices into albums and prints on your walls! I started making yearly […]

siblings reading a family photo album lifestyle photo by Laure photography

Families, Tips

Create your family photo album

I receive so many questions regarding my brand photo session process from booking to pictures delivery that I decided to make a full post dedicated to it! A process to create together unique & purposeful visual representations of your brand As a branding photographer, my main objective is to work with my clients to create […]

collage portfolio brand photo session | by Laure Photography

Branding, Tips

Brand Photo Session Process | Laure Photography

I have known Courtney for a few years now, I met her just after moving to the States. She has an amazing eye when it comes to accessories and outfits coordination. Always sharing her fashion knowledge with her friends, helping them define their personal and unique style, she finally decided to officially become a personal […]

personal brand session for Courtney Van Horn personal stylist in Tulipano Boutique by Laure Photography Branding


Personal Stylist branding photo session | Tulipano Boutique Atlanta  | Laure Photography